0094 Pied Currawong - strapera graculina
0797 Pied Currawong - strapera graculina Once a regular winter visitor to lowland areas, Pied Currawongs are increasingly remaining at lower elevations areas throughout the year. Assisted by extra food in the form of scraps and the berries of exotic plants, they have become permanent guests in the lowlands. The converse is also true: Pied Currawongs are also a year-round fixture at many alpine ski resorts. In the winter, when they should be elsewhere, currawongs can be seen hopping about in the snow, scavenging scraps.
The Pied Currawong is a large, mostly blackbird, with a bright yellow eye. Small patches of white are confined to the under the tail, the tips and bases of the tail feathers and a small patch towards the tip of each wing (visible in flight). The bill is large and black and the legs are dark grey-black. Both sexes are similar, although the female may sometimes be greyer on the underparts. Young Pied Currawongs are duller and browner than the adults.
INFORMATION FROM: Birdlife Australia
IMAGE BY: Hazel Hogarth
TAKEN: October 2017 Baulkham Hills.