0152 CALLISTEMON CITRINUS Crimson Bottlebrush
Callistemon citrinus Skeels - some herbaria are calling this Melaleuca citrina
Callistemons are found wild only on the Australian continent, but are among the best-known Australian plants grown in other countries where several half-hardy species are widely grown and adaptable to garden treatment. The Callistemon flower with the showy part consisting of massed stamens, not petals, is a novelty in cooler climates, and where the plants will not survive outdoors they are prized as pot plants under glass.
The Crimson Bottlebrush is a shrub from swampy areas of Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. In cultivation, however, it may reach small-tree proportions if conditions are favourable. It is generally described as bright red, tipped with dark anthers.
FROM: Australian National Herbarium
IMAGE BY: Hazel Hogarth
TAKEN: November 2018. Corinella Victoria